What a lovely tribute to such an incredible person. Just reading this, I find myself wishing I was in the room with the two of you, and in admiration. Grateful you got to work together.

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Lovely tribute, Corey. What is so wonderful about leaders like Ed is they find ways to signal you and leave clear trails for you to follow, ones that will lead down valuable pathways, even if some journey’s ultimately hit a dead end. This is because you learn from both success and failure. They identify emerging explorers and bring them on the team and keep an eye on them. I had such an experience in banking.

They are known to me as Servant Leaders. They serve the cause, whatever it may be or they may help shape it to be, by identifying and serving others who can tip the scale. It is not about them getting the recognition at all. It is about inducing others to becoming players in creating solutions to vexing problems and reordering visions, strategies, tactics and focus. It takes only one encounter such as yours; recognition of the gift you received; and the time to turn it into a golden moment or more that changes a life forever. You were blessed by truly knowing the essence of Ed, the Servant Leader. His is a model to emulate. You captured his essence splendidly.

Tom Rideout

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